I was on an unofficial leave yesterday; eXPeriencing the power of Internet sorry.... THE REAL INTERNET. Its really amazing to do things that were not possible before; watch live streaming video, surf heavy websites, real-time update of Stock Prices and Charts. ITS AMAZING HOW MUCH PRODUCTIVE ONE CAN BE with high speed internet.
I visited YouTube.com (I have linked only small video files in my blog so low bandwidth users can also see them. This site stores millions of user created / uploaded video files of varying length and content. You'll find funny Clips, Discovery channel like Videos, Accidents, or may be you can open any lock in the world by watching this video (no don't ask me for the link!!).
You can also visit Microsoft On Demand Web casts and watch pre recorded technical web casts by Microsoft and trust me they are really good. I downloaded one on Windows Hang and Crash Dump Analysis which was very useful and helped me fix a bug or two.
Another good site is LearnVisualStudio.NET and I downloaded some free videos from here too.... its at least 10 times faster when you learn something from watching rather than reading but reading is necessary though.
If you want to trade into Commodities then you must attend NCDEX Knowledge Hub which gives you a pretty good knowledge about commodities.
I also downloaded loads of Big applications (>500MB) which I always wanted to and also downloaded few movies from the BitTorrent.
I visited YouTube.com (I have linked only small video files in my blog so low bandwidth users can also see them. This site stores millions of user created / uploaded video files of varying length and content. You'll find funny Clips, Discovery channel like Videos, Accidents, or may be you can open any lock in the world by watching this video (no don't ask me for the link!!).
You can also visit Microsoft On Demand Web casts and watch pre recorded technical web casts by Microsoft and trust me they are really good. I downloaded one on Windows Hang and Crash Dump Analysis which was very useful and helped me fix a bug or two.
Another good site is LearnVisualStudio.NET and I downloaded some free videos from here too.... its at least 10 times faster when you learn something from watching rather than reading but reading is necessary though.
If you want to trade into Commodities then you must attend NCDEX Knowledge Hub which gives you a pretty good knowledge about commodities.
I also downloaded loads of Big applications (>500MB) which I always wanted to and also downloaded few movies from the BitTorrent.